Lady Liberal

Musings on life in America as seen from the perspective of a feminist Roman Catholic, pro-choice, Mom in middle America.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Moussaoui and the Death Penalty

I am having some issues w/the govt going after the death penalty w/Moussaoui...
he seems like (and it has been testified) that he is just a low level screw-up peon...
nobody really involved or really important to 9-11...
not saying that he didn't want to be...
or that he didn't *imagine* he was...

but aren't convictions supposed to be based on actual events, not on what somebody wanted to do or might have done?
I have no problem w/him being tried for what he actually did...
I have no problem with him being tried as a conspirator...
but I dunno...
it just seems to me that the death penalty is more about the fact that they cant punish the actual hijackers so they are using him as a whipping boy/stand-in..

Moussaoui seems to be desperate to be a matyr...
He wants to be seen as more important then he actually was..
but just because he wants to be one...
if the facts don't support his claims should the govt. matyr him just because they need to make somebody pay the ultimate price as punishment for 9-11?


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