Lady Liberal

Musings on life in America as seen from the perspective of a feminist Roman Catholic, pro-choice, Mom in middle America.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Just ask

Basically the only reason Congress is upset that the President is spying on american citizens is because he didn't ask their permission. However if asks Congress then they will pass a bill giving him unlimitted power over American citizens w/no system of checks and balances.

Our founding fathers must literally be rolling in their graves.

Why are Americans so ready to give up their civil liberties? Why are they so naive that they believe that if they aren't doing anything wrong then they have nothing to worry about from the government.

Have Americans learned nothing from history.

If history has one thing to teach us it is that Power Corrupts and Absolute Power Corrupts Absolutely.


  • At 5:56 PM, Blogger The Pacifist Patriot said…

    *sigh* I think you are correct. Especially given the partisan makeup of congress. I shudder to think if he'd asked their permission or submitted a revision to FISA. Why are so many people willing to live in a dictatorship for the sake of a false sense of security?


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