Lady Liberal

Musings on life in America as seen from the perspective of a feminist Roman Catholic, pro-choice, Mom in middle America.

Tuesday, December 07, 2004

How do we change the perception of Mr. & Mrs. Middle America

I recently read two articles about *why* the democrats lost the election from the viewpoint of the other side. I posted these on a democrat support board and all the responses were "well I am not going to change to repug" or "if you support them you should go there".

Not one single poster seemed to care that these viewpoints are what Mr. and Mrs. Middle America believes, because of the superb selling job by the radical conserves. I am not talking the fundamentalist who voted for Bush. I am talking about your moderate neighbor. The ones that you can't understand why in the world they voted for Bush, cause after all financially they are in the same place that you are.

What many liberals, especially the more extremist ones, do not get is that Mr. and Mrs. Middle America, do not vote based on the economy or on the war. They don't believe their finances are affected by who is in power. They completely believe that *all* politicians are rich boys, who are out to screw the middle and lower class.

Instead they base their vote on *god, guns and booze*

Here are short excerts of the two articles: The post-mortems on the Bush election victory have been fascinating, especially those coming from supporters of Sen. John Kerry. Some Democratic backers have been remarkably sober in their judgment. But others have drawn conclusions of the sort that will only make it more difficult for Democrats to win future national elections.Democratic strategist Bob Bechtel said on the Fox network’s “Hannity and Colmes” that Democrats need to reach out to pro-life voters. That’s an amazing concession and a recognition that the reason Democrats failed to attract enough voters in the red states has something to do with Democratic priorities and the contempt Democrats often have for Middle America....Democrats need to evaluate these trends rather than engage in the name-calling and demonization of red-state America that some commentators are engaging in. That may be enjoyable, soon after a bitter election loss, but it’s destructive in so many ways. Have you witnessed the fallout from the latest election -- how it has affected Liberals? It has unmasked them entirely. They think religious people are stupid. Not just stupid, dangerous.Make that Christians. More specifically, make that Evangelicals. The Left, the base of the Democratic Party, hail the virtues of tolerance and consider themselves to be the tolerant citizens of America. In their touting of tolerance they express their obvious disdain for those whose views run contrary to that of enlightened Liberalism. Dare to make a statement of conviction of any kind, and one of these Leftists will set down his cheese and wine, pause his lecture on the virtues of plurality and the absurdity of the belief in absolute Truth, and tell you your convictions -- everything you believe and hold dear -- are absolutely wrong. Where does he get his understanding that what you claim is "right" is actually not? Against what standard is this wrongness measured? He can't say. All he knows is that you're a bigot, you're intolerant, you're not worthy of being an American. In fact, you're not smart enough to understand what it means to be an American.And not only are you dumb, you're dangerous. Fanatics like you don't belong in a "tolerant" culture like ours. You and your beliefs and the people who share them should not be allowed in our civilized society . . . or, at the very least, you should be denied the right to vote. Because when you vote, when you're politically active, you screw everything up. People like you foist upon the world monsters like Ronald Reagan, George Bush, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, and Antonin Scalia.People like you are the most likely to attack America: you're no different than the Islamists who fly planes into buildings, suicide-bomb pizzerias, detonate car bombs in the middle of busy streets, and blow up buses. At least those Islamic terrorists had a reason: America, pushed by people like you, has oppressed the Arab world. Yes, you are the reason 3,000 Americans were killed on September 11.Nowhere has your un-Americanism been more poignantly explained and demonstrated than on the New York Times opinion pages over the last two days. Need evidence? Here are portions of five opinion pieces that made it into the ever-so-prestigious (and self-righteous) newspaper of record........

This is the perception of the dems and libs that the repubs have been able to sell to Mr and Mrs middle america.
I am not saying change to repub or that bushie boy has did anything good for the country.
And even if I were, that is not relevant to the situation.
Because Mr. and Mrs. middle america doesn't *get* them the repubs are protecting their god, guns and booze...and keeping the dems from turning all their kids into promiscous gays and lesbians..who will use abortion as birth control and do satanic and pagan rituals in school...
These articles hit it exactly bullseye on how the dems and libs are now percieved by Mr. and Mrs. middle america, not just by the extremist fundies.
So how do we change this perception..cause the way we did it in this election did not work...and going even further to the left wont work.
In my dream america Dennis Kuc would be president and Bill Clinton would be Secretary of State..but I know that will never I am willing to compromise on what my exact perfect situation would be and try to come up with candidates and stances that while staying true to the core of the liberal platform and beliefs are watered down enough that we can win back the middle vote..cause right now all we are doing is to let the conserves have all the power and I have to live with the very realistic fear of all abortion becoming back alley again, the government being in all of our bedrooms and McCarthy style witchhunts starting up again...and I am not willing to be at blame for those things simply because I refuse to compromise while bitching that the conserves wont compromise and have no concern w/what 49% of the voters want...


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