Lady Liberal

Musings on life in America as seen from the perspective of a feminist Roman Catholic, pro-choice, Mom in middle America.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Extremist Christians and Extremist Atheist: Two sides of the same coin

I have come to notice when discussing religion that there are three subgroups.

The largest group are those who believe that everyone should believe whatever they want/need to believe. This group is made up by both christians and atheist.

The other two groups are much smaller, but also much more vocal.

They are the extremist christians and the extremist atheist.

They are really one and the same.

I am sure both sides will take offense at that statement, but it still holds true.

Both groups of extremist have more in common then they do in opposition.

They believe in their moral and intellectual superiority.

They believe that they hold the patent on the *truth*.

They refuse to compromise their beliefs in any way, shape or form.

They want to inflict their viewpoint on everyone and force everyone to conform to that viewpoint.

So I have an idea.

They should start their own political party.

Instead of Conservatives, Moderates and Liberals and instead of Republicans, Democrats and Libertarians, lets have Extremist and Non-Extremist.

The only hope for this country is if those in the middle start to speak up and neutralize the extremist on each end of the spectrum.


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